Wolontariat na Węgrzech. Publikujemy ogłoszenie zaprzyjaźnionej organizacji Creative Space, która poszukuje wolontariusza/wolontariuszki z Polski do wzięcia udziału w projekcie obejmującym pracę z młodzieżą i dziećmi na Węgrzech. Czas zgłoszeń – do 4 marca 2014 r.
Wolontariat na Węgrzech – poszukiwania osoba
7 volunteers from 7 country (Czech Republic, Finland, Latvia, Poland, Russia, United Kingdom, Ukraine) will be the co-creators of Creative Space mission: bring equal chances for less-opportunity youth and children in Nógrád county.
EVS volunteers will develop their personal and professional skills by contributing in numerous high quality activities:
– rural development of Nógrád county
– English speaking action-based learning sessions
– Support initiatives of local youngsters
– Using media tools in grass-root youth work
– Support in the management of the social enterprise
Video from the previous project.
Practical information:
APV dates: 12-15 March 2014 (for the selected volunteers, including travel days)
Activity dates: 1st of April – 31th of October 2014
Number of volunteers: 7
Partner countries: Czech Republic, Finland, Latvia, Poland, United Kingdom, Russia and Ukraine
Complete information about the project and application here.
Application process:
1. The volunteers have to fill in online application form (please keep in mind to fill in the form completely all 7 steps!)
2. and send their CV as soon as possible but latest until 4th of March.