ADRA Polska

Write a will

You can include our foundation in your will

When writing a will, we give gifts to the people closest to our heart – family, friends and neighbors. However, it is worth considering the symbolic entry on our Foundation. If the fate of suffering and needy people is close to your heart, you would like to help heal the unequal world – include the ADRA Polska foundation in your will.

How to write a will:

Consider what property you have at your disposal

They can be real estate, savings, and other goods and rights. Make an estimate of your property, taking into account its possible debt.

Think who you want to deliberate

Consider who you would like to donate your belongings to. It can be both your immediate family and your friends or neighbor. We ask you to consider, although symbolic, enrollment in our foundation.

Once you know what you want to include in your will, contact a notary

Make an appointment with a notary public. A notary will, as opposed to a handwritten will, guarantees that your will will be respected. However, if you decide to write it yourself, remember to do it entirely by hand and include the current date.

Please let us know if you include the ADRA Polska Foundation in your will

We will be able to thank you and let you know how we will use the funds you have provided. It will also allow us to plan our future activities.

Why is writing a will so important?

First of all, elderly, sick people, who are at the end of their lives, decide to write a will. For most people, the very fact of writing down your last will is simply wrong – as an unnecessary dragging of what is distant. However, one should be aware that in the event of the worst, the inheritance will fall to the statutory heirs. A will ensures that our will as to the destination of our property will be fulfilled. However, if you are a single person, you must be aware that, according to the law, your property will be inherited by the commune or the State Treasury. So it is worth writing your will even when you are young or full of strength and health. You’ll have one problem with your head. Remember that you can change your will at any time.

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