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Help families in Tajikistan

When you need to survive for just over $ 1

Tajikistan is a country located 93% in the mountains and half of it lies at an altitude of over 3,000 meters above sea level. A country with no job, no prospects. 20% of the population lives on less than $ 1.25 a day, which is less than PLN 5. These 5 zlotys a day give us about 150 zlotys a month. The salary in this country is usually around USD 100, i.e. around PLN 400 per month. If you have a family of four, assuming that both parents work for food, clothing and all fees are around PLN 200 per month per person. Prices in stores do not differ much from prices in our country.

People from rural areas sometimes visit the city only once a year due to lack of money. They live without money from what they collect from the field. They wear the same clothes for years. Tajikistan is a country from which its citizens want to leave and never come back. Much of the country is without running water, and sometimes even without electricity. Asked a young man met in the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, staying there during his vacation, and working in Poland for two years – whether he intends to return to his homeland – Tajikistan permanently. She replies: no, never. I want to remove my wife and my child from this country and live permanently in Poland.

Help people in Tajikistan

We know how we can help these people

We want to help those in need through a number of initiatives from feeding the homeless, organizing activities for children, to supporting entire families in various ways, including by creating new jobs. In the project, we will rely on the strength of the local partner ADRA. We want to especially support grass-roots initiatives of volunteers for the benefit of especially those most in need, with a focus on making them independent. We will be looking for local solutions to ensure that entire families have sufficient resources to live and function in dignity in this poor country. We believe that finding just such solutions will contribute the most to the good of all these families. We Poles know from experience that work trips to other countries often have very destructive consequences for families, especially for children.

Please provide your support by transfer to the account of the ADRA Polska Foundation No. 49 1240 1994 1111 0010 3092 3882 with the title: “donation to help those in need in Tajikistan”.

Please remember that each of your gifts will help those in need in Tajikistan. You only need PLN 80 to provide a Sunday lunch for 100 people for one month. For the amount of PLN 250, we will be able to provide classes for approximately 30 youth per month. Every gift you give will affect the lives of many in need, especially children.

Read about our aid projects in Tajikistan

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