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The future of the world is in the hands of young people

Intercultural education as a chance for a better tomorrow

Overcoming barriers, overcoming stereotypes and prejudices prevailing among young people, developing a sense of solidarity and tolerance in them – this is the goal of youth exchanges organized by us and co-financed under Erasmus + programs. Getting to know other cultures is also a great way to promote international understanding and peace. Thanks to the ADRA Foundation, hundreds of young people are becoming aware and actively involved in the development of their communities.

Erasmus + is a huge opportunity

Our programs activate young people

As ADRA Polska, we organize youth exchanges co-financed under the Erasmus + program. Thanks to this, people aged 13–30 can pursue their passions, develop skills and gain new experiences, combining adventure with non-formal education and learning about other cultures.

The exchange allows one or more groups of young people of at least five people to visit a group from another country (at least one country must be an EU member) so that they can participate together in a joint program of activities. Its topics can be, for example, art, culture, history, ecology, health, etc. The project involves the active participation of young people and gives them the opportunity to discover and learn about various social, economic and cultural realities. They learn from each other, develop their entrepreneurship and creativity as well as strengthen their sense of European citizenship.

We deal with social problems

Together with partners from other countries, we conduct projects that address significant social problems. One such topic was, for example, citizen journalism as a tool to raise important issues, including youth problems. During joint classes, we equipped participants with knowledge and skills that will allow them to openly and understandably express their opinions in the public space in the future.

Thanks to participation in our programs, you gain new experience

Projects that we implement

Youth exchange co-implemented with organizations from 5 countries – “Generation of changes” from Ukraine, “Associazione di Promozione Sociale Young Effect” from Italy, “Youth for Peace and Equality” from Georgia, “Young Leaders” from the Czech Republic and, , Asset Based Community Development Innovation Center “in Armenia. The exchange is addressed to a group of 36 people (aged 19-25) from these countries, and the main topic – conflict resolution. The aim of the course is to equip participants with knowledge and skills that will help them better understand and deal with conflicts in different contexts of their lives The exchange program, which was developed jointly (by the participants), promises to be very interesting and diverse – from workshops showing how to analyze the discourses and narratives always present around conflicts (conducted by a participant from Georgia) , through a film session on documentary films about conflicts (conducted by a participant from Italy), to games and simulations to practice e conflict resolution and learn to deal with stress and to formulate criticism constructively. At the end of the project, participants will receive a Youthpass certificate.

Our next project co-financed by the Erasmus + program “Social media for positive change”, in which participants from 8 countries will take part: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain and Italy. The project is carried out in cooperation with the organizations Asociatia Tinerilor Cu Initiativa Civica, VsI Inovaciju biuroas, Institute Perspectives, Taller d’Art, Cultura i Creació, AUTONOMIA E DESCOBERTA CRL, NEANIKOI ORIZONTES MKO, EURO SUD, Regionalas attistibas un socialo iniciatpektiva ” . During the week-long training in Wisła, youth workers will acquire knowledge and skills on how to use social media more effectively at work in a non-profit organization, plan, implement and evaluate a campaign in social media, and create interesting and engaging content for young people.

The program is financed under the Erasmus + program and co-implemented with organizations from 5 countries:

– Yes Theater from Palestine,
– Generation for Change from Ukraine,
– LUNEnuove Cooperativa Sociale from Italy,
– Bait Al-Hikmah Foundation for Youth from Jordan,
– Theater Studio Yorick from Latvia.

The EMT training is addressed to a group of 24 youth workers from these countries, and the main topic – working with people from minorities using theatrical methods. During the training, participants will learn various methods of working with young people in the field of theater techniques – for example, theater of the oppressed, psychological theater, theater based on improvisation. Additionally, the participants will jointly reflect on the problems, challenges and successes that may arise from the work of a person who works with young people on a daily basis. They will have the opportunity to exchange good practices and experiences. The subject of minorities themselves will also be deeply analyzed, along with examples. Organizations from participating countries will share the specifics of the minorities they work with on a daily basis – e.g. national minorities, refugees, people with disabilities. What’s more, during the training, participants get to know each other’s culture and customs by taking part in the so-called cultural evenings. In addition, one of the elements of the training will also be a visit to the Liceum im. Nicholas Copernicus in Kołobrzeg, where participants will jointly conduct theater workshops for students.

Read more about our Erasmus + programs

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