ADRA Polska

Donate 1 percent of your tax

Your 1 percent tax does matter

It would seem that 1% of tax is not able to change much. After all, 30 or 40 zlotys is too small an amount to help someone. However, if 1,000 people donated this seemingly small sum, we could spend it, for example, on saving children in danger in Africa. Imagine that PLN 200 is enough for a month’s maintenance and education of one child from Kenya, without a family. We are glad that more and more people are aware how much 1 percent of tax can mean to others.

Many years of hard work have resulted in the trust you have placed in us. Every year, more and more funds from the 1% tax flow to our foundation. It is thanks to you that we can have a real impact on people’s lives and help in the most remote parts of the world. We hope that you will support our activities this year as well.

This number KRS 0000 342 704 can save a child's life

Use the free program for tax settlement with the National Court Register of the ADRA Polska Foundation

Fill out your PIT using our program, which will itself fill in the appropriate box in the tax return.

This number KRS 0000 342 704 can save a child's life

Use ready-made PIT forms

By giving us your 1% of tax, you help:

As many as 68 million people in the world are now refugees or displaced persons. Neither of them chose the life to which they were forced. We are currently directing our help to the families of migrants from the Polish-Belarusian border staying in centers for foreigners.

We pay and provide school fees for children without parents basic necessities such as accommodation, hot meal and clothes.

We provide safe shelter for children affected by a genetic disease along with education and the necessary preparations to protect the skin

We want to provide positive memories for children from poor families, as well as improve their self-esteem and increase motivation for learning and personal development.

We reach places where support is especially needed. Helping the weaker is not only our moral duty, but most of all a chance for a safer, sustainable world. is a completely free, anonymous portal for people looking for help and mutual understanding. A safe haven where you can share your problem anonymously and get real help without having to introduce yourself or show your face.

Your one percent tax makes a huge difference!

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