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Ukraine's problems are still alive

Although not much is said about the problems of Ukraine, the situation of the inhabitants of this country is still dramatic. The armed conflicts in eastern Ukraine have enormous consequences. People run away fearing for their lives, in search of a safe haven. For them, the change of place of residence means leaving the possessions of their life, their work and the environment in which they grew up. These people experience their own inner tragedies, and children in particular are exposed to danger. Let us give them faith and hope that a better future awaits them.

When you lose your home

Just think, how might people feel deprived of their homes, their safe shelter and their belongings overnight? Losing everything is also the beginning of the fight for them to find themselves in the new reality.

The ADRA Polska Foundation has been helping Ukraine since 2009

We help children in Ukraine

From the very beginning of its activities in Ukraine, the ADRA Polska Foundation cares about the fate of poor children. Every year, we provide orphanages with the necessary cleaning products, clothes and underwear. We work closely with care centers, which is why the help we provide reflects the urgent needs of the youngest.

On the other hand, we organize free summer camps for children in war zones, such as Donbass. The possibility of departure for them is a springboard from the unpleasant reality that surrounds them. It is also an opportunity to stay under the care of educators who care about their delicate psyche.

You can take care of one child in Ukraine by paying your donation to our account.

We give people a chance to find themselves in a new reality

We also undertake activities aimed at combating unemployment. The ADRA Polska Foundation implements projects that provide support in the development of professional competences and awakening entrepreneurship in the Dnipropetrovsk region among internally displaced people. Many people do not have the skills needed in the local labor market for their new environment, so we first deal with this issue by offering them vocational courses that suit both their interests and the needs of the market. In addition, many of these people struggle with psychological problems – emotional burnout related to the stress they experience, a lack of self-confidence and their own abilities. Therefore, appropriate psychological support should be provided that will allow them to deal with problems that may affect their fulfillment of professional duties and long-term willingness to work. Providing comprehensive support for the development of skills needed in the labor market in their new communities and preparing internally displaced persons for this process will not only improve their economic situation, but also facilitate faster integration with the host community.

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