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Psychosocial support project in the form of moderated online group meetings

Project participants undertake to:

  • Presence at all meetings, excluding special situations that do not arise from the participant’s will.
  • Punctuality. The sessions will start at fixed times, it is worth showing up 5 minutes before to have enough space for technical preparation.
  • Confidentiality. To maintain the comfort of all participants, group matters are closed at the end of the meeting.
  • Not to judge and advise other participants, unless they ask for it themselves.
  • Being active. A group process is possible when all participants are willing to express and share, so we learn from each other.
  • Using “I” messages in the group (I feel, I think, I perceive it this way).
  • Avoid generalizing.
  • Cultural expression.

Disrupting the group process can result in losing participation in online meetings.

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