ADRA Polska


I want to help, so I help

Since you found our website, you are probably wondering how you can help. Our foundation is also no stranger to the fate of other people. We realize that it is impossible to heal the whole world, but believe us – we can do a lot together.

It is thanks to you that our foundation reaches out with support to people in need all over the world. Your “I want to help” can change the fate of children in Africa and other continents. Just today you can join the group of our donors who, just like you, asked themselves the question – how can I help other people?

There is much to be done. Children from distant Kenya dream of graduating from school and having a warm meal. Tanzanian albino children want to grow up in a place where they feel safe and sheltered. On the other hand, the youngest in Armenia need a moment of joy. Nationality, country or continent do not matter to us. We want to reach wherever people are unable to help themselves without the support of another human being. We can do it with you!

Together, we can do a lot

How can you help us change the world?

Decide for yourself the amount you are able to give us. Each, even the smallest payment can change the world and the fate of another person. Know that the amount of PLN 200 is enough to guarantee the monthly maintenance and education of a child in Kenya.

1 percent of tax is a lot! Thanks to thousands of people supporting our foundation, we can really help people in need.

Writing a will gives you confidence that your property will be distributed according to your will. Przemyśl, for example, a symbolic entry for the ADRA Polska foundation.

Help is not only about money. If you have time and would like to support the foundation in its activities – join us. Every additional pair of hands and a head full of ideas are welcome with us.

We are looking for partners and we are open to any form of cooperation. Support for our foundation is both the possibility of tax deduction, creating a positive image, but above all helping people in need.

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