ADRA Polska

Be a parent to these children

Help for children in Kenya

As you may be aware, Kenya’s living standards are much lower than in our country. The question is, are you aware how much they are different from the world around you? Imagine the ubiquitous poverty, lack of basic livelihoods, constant struggle for a meal … Such everyday life is unfortunately a reality for most people living in this country. The huge problem is the lack of any government assistance. The poorest cannot count on any support, what’s more – there is nothing for free, not even education. In addition, the country is consumed by epidemics such as HIV and AIDS. The ADRA Polska Foundation directed its development action to the poorest region of the country – Western Kenya. It is here that 18% of children are orphans, and another 15% live under the care of only one parent. We are trying to change the fate of these children by creating decent living conditions for them. For the amount of PLN 200 per month, you can provide food, clothes, accommodation and the possibility of further education for one specific child. You will receive a picture of him, his name and his life story. Remember your every gift matters. Thanks to our donors, we help children in Kenya.

In the West Kenya region, more than 63% of the population lives below the poverty line

Discover the story of precious Nyaranga

Find out why your help is worth so much. Listen to what our pupil has to say.

Learn the story of Elijah Okundi Otieno

After his parents died, Elijah had to leave school and start working to ensure the survival of himself and his siblings. The struggle for existence is, unfortunately, a common reality for children from Africa. Thanks to the help of people of great heart, we are able to pay school fees and meet the basic needs necessary for the survival and continuation of Elijah’s education. How important is this help to Elijah?

“Thank God I can dream again. I’m here thanks to the ADRA project. Now my dreams are becoming reality – I am approaching the fulfillment of my dreams of becoming an electrical engineer by applying to the next classes. Unfortunately, there are many other children who need help like Elijah. Help even one of them.

Learn the history ...

Yes, there are still many orphans waiting for help. It is you who can change the fate of children living in Kenya. Support our activities by making a donation. Or maybe you want to become a guardian for one of our pupils? Set up a fixed transfer for one year and pay the annual school fees and meals for the child. 200 PLN per month is enough to help one specific child. By making your donation with the title: constant help for children in Kenya, you will receive a photo, name and life story of the child, which will be financed by your donation. Remember your every gift matters.

Read about our aid projects in Kenya

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