ADRA Polska

Cooperation with companies

Become a partner of the ADRA Polska Foundation and help with us!

We want to offer you a partnership cooperation bringing mutual benefits. For many years, leading enterprises have noticed the tangible benefits of their social commitment and taking it into account in their strategic goals. Striving to build mutual trust and transparency in relations with the external environment is a way to run a business and gain an advantage over the competition. Decide for yourself how you want to get involved in our charity and join the group of our partners. Together, we are able to make the reality better.

Build an image of a socially engaged company

Orientana helped children from Bangladesh

Orientana - a producer of natural cosmetics from Asian plants - supported our Foundation in helping poor children from Bangladesh. The company has prepared a Charity Advent Calendar, from which all income was donated to support our pupils from the primary school in Tonga in Bangladesh. This noble gesture made children, who live in dramatic conditions and suffer from malnutrition, hope for a better future. Thanks to the activities and donation of the Orientana company, we can provide education and food to other children. Our pupils from Bangladesh received the most beautiful gift - the faith that their dreams can still come true. And for this, we wholeheartedly thank the entire Orientana team and all those who decided to support the company's charitable activities and purchased the prepared calendar.

Sales Robots supports the ADRA Polska Foundation

Sales Robots, as one of the first representatives of the B2B sector, was intensively involved in humanitarian aid for orphans and children at risk from the poorest areas of Kenya. Thanks to the tools donated to the ADRA Foundation - robots automating activities on the Internet - we managed to reach many new Donors who supported this noble undertaking. In this way, our employees and volunteers saved a lot of valuable time and could spend it on additional charity activities. We wholeheartedly thank Sales Robots for selfless support during the campaign to help children in Kenya and we cordially encourage other enterprises that follow the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to actively engage in the process of changing the world for the better together with the Foundation GRAIN.

How can you support us?
Cooperation with companies


Your company can simply make a donation for statutory purposes or for a specific action carried out by the ADRA Polska foundation. Thanks to this, the company can deduct a donation up to 10% of the tax base.

Material assistance or substantive support

Making a material donation such as clothes, toys, sports equipment will allow us to provide specific material help to those in need. Maybe your company is able to support us with its experience? We need help, in particular, from IT, marketing and interactive agencies.


Together, we can create a dedicated campaign in which your company will be able to get involved, and at the same time it will be consistent with the company’s strategy. You can also take patronage over one of the actions we are currently conducting, or provide constant help for one of our pupils.

Disseminating information about our foundation

You can help us reach our future donors. Our cooperation may consist in, for example, placing the logo of our foundation in your promotional materials, website or attaching information about the possibility of supporting our foundation in correspondence sent to clients.

Or maybe you have a different idea to support our activities? We are open to cooperation.

Contact us!
tel. +48 730 799 518

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